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The road bumps along the way...

Dementia Healing

For those of you who are experiencing dementia yourselves or are caring for a loved one with dementia you know this is not an easy road. I would certainly be lying if I said it were a peace of cake. Yes...pun intended. I strive for peace, my mom certainly strives for peace of mind and peace in general. We've certainly had our fair share of road bumps along the way. 

If you've read our other blogs, you'll know that most of challenges became more evident after my Dad passed away. The anxiety and panic attacks, the financial burden from the trips to the emergency room because of anxiety to trying different anti anxiety medication to managing my mom's side effects from the meds to feeling as though we didn't really have any solid support from the medical professionals. It is almost like they hand you the diagnosis and send you on your way...or just say 'try aricept' because there is no cure and there is nothing you can really do. Well...tried aricept and it didn't do anything. 

When I came across the Bredesen protocol it was, of all the research I had done, what seemed like a glimmer of hope. It made so much sense to me that there are multiple potential causes of dementia and we could tackle them once we know what they are! Yes I was fired up for sure! Trying to implement the protocol was not that easy. It almost takes a full buy in of everyone involved...the entire order for implementation to be successful. With my mom, because she still has inclination to eat the sugary is important for her to be in a controlled environment. 

This is where Marama has worked so well. But we've met yet another road bump along the mom has had head trauma throughout her life and has had some falls throughout the past few years. I can say the quarantining and isolations due to covid has not helped that situation. It is a pattern observation, but, her recent falls have been around an isolation for a few days. We know she needs circulation, she needs to move, she needs the mental stimulation, she needs the socialization! All of these activities are vital to her thriving! She's also had a few seizure episodes. It is scary to see her go through this, although she's only have a few over the past few years I'm still not taking it lightly. 

But...with that now we are at another decision point we take another medication or do we try first to tackle these episodes with natural methods. Can we manage it with nutrition? Of course, the neurologist is recommending medication but I've gone on to facebook groups, message boards and many people have experienced side effects on the medication (keppra). The most recent episode has been in conjunction with a fall after being isolated in her room for about 5 days. This also after covid had impacted most of the residents and after testing positive for covid. 

I don't have all the answers yet, still trying natural methods before going the route of pharma but I have faith I'll get there. But what I can say NOW is that I am so grateful for love and support I have from my sister Reynette, my niece Andrea and my support partner who are all sacrificing in some way. We all have different perspectives to contribute which leads us down the best path I am confident of that. This additional layer of complexity that has been added to our journey is just another opportunity to learn and grow and to add to our arsenal of weapons. Yes...we are in a fight and dementia/alzheimer's is a formidable opponent but I am up for the challenge!

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