Oxygenation – Your cells need oxygen and the body gets oxygen in many different ways, predominantly through your breath, through your food or through blood circulation. We all know eating healthy and exercise keeps us on the path of healthy living but did you know that posture is a huge component of health? It can positively or negatively impact how much oxygen your body and brain are getting. We see this with our own health but also with my mom’s health. The more oxygen…the better our brain works.
What can you do to help improve your posture?
Tuck your chin in…super simple and super effective.
Reset your posture with your back against a wall periodically throughout the day.
Chest opener exercises like clasping your arms behind your back and stretching.
Another very effective exercise that I’ve seen makes a difference for our mom is reaching your arms against a wall in front of you and lean forward for 3 sets of 30 seconds every day.
Sleeping on your side as opposed to on your back helps you to breath better while you’re sleeping.
Hydration – Your brain and your body do work better when it is properly hydrated. Health experts recommend that we should have 8 glasses of water every day. I think this is a good guideline but there are many ways to ensure you are staying hydrated.
What are some creative ways to stay hydrated?
Eat more fruit throughout the day.
Add good electrolyte powder to your water…but make sure there are no sugar, sucralose, dextrose, etc. in the ingredients list.
Minimize caffeine and alcoholic intake
Drink more coconut water…put it in your smoothies or just drink it straight!
Vegetable juice (beets, carrots, etc.) …these can get a little sweet so keep that in mind.
Detoxification – We are exposed to many toxins that are in our environment and in the products that we use. Many of these toxins pass the blood brain barrier and impacts our cognition. Here are some of the easy and effective ways to improve your bodies detoxification process.
What are some of the easiest and most effective ways to detox?
Start your day with the Big 6 Lymphatic draining routine. This allows your body to detox throughout the entire day.
Jump or bounce up and down for a minute after going through the Big 6.
Sweat! If you have a sauna at the house you are so lucky! If you can get to a sauna at the gym, I highly recommend sitting in there for 20 minutes after your workout.
Coming full circle…Stay hydrated and get your blood flowing through exercise!